Books and Publications
Mark Gray has written for several books and publications and is a contributing editor & reviewer to Learning Disability Practice magazine the British Journal of Visual Impairment. He has produced written Articles for RNIB publications, PMLD link and the British Journal of learning disabilities
Supporting the Physical Health Needs of People with Learning Disabilities. (a handbook for professionals, support staff and families). Edited By Steve Hardy, Eddie Chaplin & Peter Woodward.
Mark Gray has written Chapter 15 on “Supporting People with Hearing and Sight Loss”.
Pavilion Publishing 2016
Cost £28.00 plus postage & packing
Person-centred Practices (A therapeutic perspective) by Mark Jukes & John Aldridge
Mark Gray has written a chapter on “Zoning theory and its application for communication development with two profoundly disabled young people”.
Chapter 4 Practical ways of involving users in everyday planning by Mark Gray
- Quay books MA Health Care 2006
- Cost £25.00 plus postage & packing.
A Practical Guide To Multi Sensory Rooms Richard Hirstwood & Mark Gray
A simple easy to use dated guide but still very much used on Multi sensory rooms covers how to design plan and use a room. A guide to the equipment, functional assessment and theme ideas for children and adults. The book also contains an extensive supplier guide.
- TFH publications 1995, 2000, & 2005
- Cost £14.00 plus postage & packing
Timely Intervention (Special Help For Special Needs) by C.D.G de Jong & H. Neugebauer
Proceedings from the international conference held in Bad Berlerburg, Germany in 1995 on Multiple Disability. Mark Gray wrote the chapter on “Problems in Trans-disciplinary Approach” and offers some creative solutions to joint assessment and working.
Chapter 7 Problems in the Trans disciplinary Approach by Mark Gray
- Bentheim Publications Germany 1995
- Cost £30.00 plus postage & packing